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QRZ Newsletter – Fall 2005


In This Issue

         A Quiet Year

         Autopatch and  IRLP Codes

         Holiday Dinner Announcement


A Quiet Year

2005 has been a quiet year for the RMRL.  The repeaters continue to work reliably and well, with a few minor problems attended to promptly by the technical committee.  Our volunteer corps is sufficient to keep everything the club has going, but not large enough to do anything additional.  So the club is running in “maintenance” mode.  Any members out there who want to become involved and/or do something new?  Hamfest? Summer picnic?  Field Day?  Please contact any of the officers with your ideas!

Autopatch and IRLP Codes

The club customarily changes the access codes for the autopatch on the 145.220 and 224.000 MHz repeaters, and the IRLP on the 145.340 machine, effective January 1 of each year.  This is done so that these benefits are available only to those amateurs who support the club through membership.  At the moment, however, non-member use of the autopatch and IRLP isn’t a problem.  So, tradition will be broken next year and the codes will not change on January 1, 2005. 

Since the autopatch and IRLP linking are members-only benefits, please do not discuss codes on the air or disclose them to non-members.

Holiday Dinner Announcement

The annual RMRL holiday dinner will be held on Wednesday, December 7, 2005 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.  The location is the Country Buffet restaurant, 301 West Girard Avenue in Englewood.  This is the same restaurant where we have met for the past several years.  It is northwest of the intersection of Broadway and Hampden.  The cost for all you can eat is $10.45 (including tax) for adults, $9.60 (including tax) for seniors. Kids 12 and under are 60 cents per year of age, plus tax.  We will hear from the officers about the state of the club, recognize this year’s volunteers, elect officers for next year, and give away some early Christmas presents (door prizes).  Please plan to attend and enjoy some holiday cheer!




Copyright 2007 Rocky Mountain Radio League, Inc. Denver, Colorado  USA