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QRZ Newsletter – Fall 2002

In This Issue

         New Autopatch and  IRLP Codes
         Reminder:  RMRL’s E-Mail List
         Holiday Dinner Announcement
         2002 Hamfest
         School IRLP Contact a Big Success

New Autopatch and IRLP Codes

It’s time for the club’s customary change of the access codes for the autopatch on the 145.220 and 224.000 MHz repeaters, and the IRLP on the 145.340 machine.  Effective January 1, 2003, the autopatch access code and the IRLP "Link-on" code will be changing.  The new codes were included in the hard copy of this newsletter that was mailed in via the Post Office.

The autopatch and IRLP linking are members-only benefits.  Please do not discuss codes on the air or disclose them to non-members.

Reminder:  RMRL’s E-Mail List

Remember that only the fall issue of QRZ and the annual membership roster (the documents you are reading now) are sent to club members via regular U.S. mail.  The winter, spring, and summer issues of QRZ, as well as other announcements of importance, are distributed via Internet e-mail through the YahooGroups list server.  If you have e-mail capability and haven’t subscribed to the club’s YahooGroups list, you should do so in order to not miss receiving future issues of QRZ and club announcements.  To subscribe to the list, send a blank e-mail message to:


You will receive an e-mail acknowledgement of your request from YahooGroups.  To finish the subscription process, reply to the acknowledgement.  YahooGroups will then send you another message confirming that you have been added to the RMRL mailing list.  That’s all there is to it! 

You can remove yourself from the list (although we hope you won’t) at any time by sending a blank e-mail message to:


YahooGroups will send you back a message confirming your removal from the list.

If your e-mail address changes, don’t forget to unsubscribe your old address from and add your new address to the list.  All e-mail addresses in the list are confidential.  You will not be spammed because you subscribed to our list.

If you don’t own a computer or know anything about the Internet or e-mail, don’t let that stop you.  Perhaps you have a nearby relative or friend who does and who would be willing to receive messages for you.  Alternatively, most libraries now have computers with Internet access, and offer training classes on how to use the Internet and e-mail – all for free!  There are also a number of e-mail providers that will give you an e-mail address at no charge.  Two of these are Juno (http://www.juno.com) and Hotmail (http://www.hotmail.com).  You can pick your RMRL and other messages up from any computer connected to the Internet, at your convenience!

If you have questions about the club e-mail list or problems subscribing or unsubscribing, please send a note to the club e-mail address (rmrl@juno.com).

Holiday Dinner Announcement

The annual RMRL holiday dinner will be held on Wednesday, December 11, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.  The location is the Country Buffet restaurant, 301 West Girard Avenue in Englewood.  This is the same restaurant where we have met for the past several years.  It is northwest of the intersection of Broadway and Hampden.  The cost for all you can eat is $8.89 (plus tax) for adults, $8.19 (plus tax) for seniors. Kids 12 and under are 55 cents per year of age, plus tax.  We will elect officers for next year and give away some early Christmas presents (door prizes).  Please plan to attend and enjoy some holiday cheer!

2002 Hamfest

The 2002 RMRL hamfest was held on Saturday, October 19.  The weather was perfect and we had a very successful event!

Highlights included an ARRL forum conducted by  the ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Director, Walt, WØCP.  Walt updated us on all the current happenings at the League.  The South Metro VE Team conducted a first-rate test session.  Terry, NØPQV set up a station and demonstrated the IRLP linking capabilities of the club’s 145.340 repeater to the attendees.  And last but certainly not least, Boy Scout Troop 3 from Aurora ran the concession stand again.  The Scouts did a great job as always.  Richard, WB5YOE, organized the troop.

Ron, NØMQJ, coordinated the hamfest again this year.  Thanks a lot, Ron, for all your work to make the event a success!  There were also many other RMRL volunteers who helped out on hamfest day, including (in addition to those already mentioned) Glenn, WNØEHE; Ed, NØMHU; Joe, WTØC; Johnny, KCØITV; Bob, KAØEFM; Linda, KNØUSA; Doug, ABØUS; Royal, WAØQFY; and Larry, KBØZEQ.  Thank you all!

Mark your calendars now for the 2003 RMRL hamfest, which will be on Saturday, October 18th.  Plan to attend, have a good time, and support your club!

School IRLP Contact A Big Success

Kudos to Bob, NØZFV and his son Zach, KCØNSZ for a very successful school-to-school contact on November 12.  Zach’s fifth grade class at Skyview Elementary in Adams County linked up with a fifth grade class at Lyndhurst School in Durban, South Africa, using the IRLP on the 145.34 MHz repeater.  The Highway Amateur Radio Club of Durban handled the contact on that end.  The students enjoyed exchanging information about school, hobbies, and sports, and a lot of enthusiasm about ham radio was generated!  Congratulations to all who were involved!


Happy Holidays!

Copyright 2007 Rocky Mountain Radio League, Inc. Denver, Colorado  USA